EntApex App

EntApex App is a starter Kit to get started with building modern full-stack application with the latest stack.

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Why Use EntApex App?

EntApex app is just a template Next.js. But what's special about EntApex App is that its combined with all modern tool and libraries that are required to build a modern and full stack application. And they are completely free and open source.

  • Ent to End TypeSafe Architecture
  • Free and Popular Open Source Libraries
  • $0 Deployment Cost


A production ready full-stack React Framework for Web with React server componenets


EntApex App uses typesafe tools and libraries to enhance dev experience

Tailwind CSS

A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes that can be composed to build any design in your markup

Shad CN UI

Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps & Open Source


The most powerful and advance open source relation database that supports objects


A Simple authentication library for Next.js that handles email and social login and connects to database.

Drizzle ORM

Typesafe ORM for relational database that just works. Drizzle ORM is fast and flexible.


A type script schema validation library. If you know typescript then you know zod.

EntApex App

This stack has everything you need for a full-stack web application. From authentication to database. From typescript to tailwind.

Shreyash Rangrej
Web Dev | EntApex